Shared from the 2018-03-14 The Times Of India – Mumbai eEdition
This April, jeweller and artist Rajiv Popley will be making his international debut with a display at the prominent ArtExpo New York 2018, the world’s largest fine art trade show. Artists are selected by a panel of jurors who assess their work based on technique, innovation, inspiration and creativity. On display is a collection of beautiful, vibrant oil on canvas artworks as a tribute to Salvador Dali. Rajiv will be displaying these works in Mumbai at a preview carefully curated by the famed interior designer and art curator Aakif Habib on view at The Bombay Art Society in Bandra from the evening of March 14 to 17.
Where: Bombay Art Society, Bandra Reclamation, Opposite Rangsharda, Bandra (W)